Rating : 5.5/10 based on 85 user ratings
Genre : Animation
Paranormal Action Squad is about a group fighting off the paranormal. There’s Pad the computer that tracks the paranormal, Vanoss who’s just there for the fun of it, Orb who is a floating …
The.Paranormal.Action.Squad.S01.720p.RED.WEB-DL.AAC5.1.VP9-ARGN – 828.7 MB
Filename......: The.Paranormal.Action.Squad.S01E01.The.Party.Gets.Us.Started.720p.RED.WEB-DL.AAC5.1.VP9-ARGN.mkv FileSize......: 123 MiB Duration......: 13 min 9 s Video.........: | 1280x720 @ 918 kb/s Audio.........: English AAC | 6 CH @ 384 kb/s Subtitle......: Greek / English / Vietnamese / Italian / Chinese / Arabic / Indonesian / Spanish / Russian / Dutch / Portuguese / Turkish / Thai / Spanish / Polish / French / German / Portuguese / Japanese / Romanian / Korean / Swedish. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename......: The.Paranormal.Action.Squad.S01E02.The.Shape.of.Shifts.to.Come.720p.RED.WEB-DL.AAC5.1.VP9-ARGN.mkv FileSize......: 93.8 MiB Duration......: 12 min 8 s Video.........: | 1280x720 @ 689 kb/s Audio.........: English AAC | 6 CH @ 384 kb/s Subtitle......: Greek / English / Vietnamese / Italian / Chinese / Arabic / Indonesian / Spanish / Russian / Dutch / Portuguese / Turkish / Thai / Spanish / Polish / French / German / Portuguese / Japanese / Romanian / Korean / Swedish. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename......: The.Paranormal.Action.Squad.S01E03.From.Tusk.til.Dawn.720p.RED.WEB-DL.AAC5.1.VP9-ARGN.mkv FileSize......: 91.0 MiB Duration......: 12 min 1 s Video.........: | 1280x720 @ 666 kb/s Audio.........: English AAC | 6 CH @ 384 kb/s Subtitle......: Greek / English / Vietnamese / Italian / Chinese / Arabic / Indonesian / Spanish / Russian / Dutch / Portuguese / Turkish / Thai / Spanish / Polish / French / German / Portuguese / Japanese / Romanian / Korean / Swedish. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename......: The.Paranormal.Action.Squad.S01E04.Eddie.Sucks.720p.RED.WEB-DL.AAC5.1.VP9-ARGN.mkv FileSize......: 104 MiB Duration......: 12 min 11 s Video.........: | 1280x720 @ 804 kb/s Audio.........: English AAC | 6 CH @ 384 kb/s Subtitle......: Greek / English / Vietnamese / Italian / Chinese / Arabic / Indonesian / Spanish / Russian / Dutch / Portuguese / Turkish / Thai / Spanish / Polish / French / German / Portuguese / Japanese / Romanian / Korean / Swedish. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename......: The.Paranormal.Action.Squad.S01E05.The.Ghost.of.Christmas.Presents.720p.RED.WEB-DL.AAC5.1.VP9-ARGN.mkv FileSize......: 119 MiB Duration......: 12 min 0 s Video.........: | 1280x720 @ 1 000 kb/s Audio.........: English AAC | 6 CH @ 384 kb/s Subtitle......: Greek / English / Vietnamese / Italian / Chinese / Arabic / Indonesian / Spanish / Russian / Dutch / Portuguese / Turkish / Thai / Spanish / Polish / French / German / Portuguese / Japanese / Romanian / Korean / Swedish. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename......: The.Paranormal.Action.Squad.S01E06.Vanoss.Vs.Evil.720p.RED.WEB-DL.AAC5.1.VP9-ARGN.mkv FileSize......: 91.0 MiB Duration......: 11 min 37 s Video.........: | 1280x720 @ 702 kb/s Audio.........: English AAC | 6 CH @ 384 kb/s Subtitle......: Greek / English / Vietnamese / Italian / Chinese / Arabic / Indonesian / Spanish / Russian / Dutch / Portuguese / Turkish / Thai / Spanish / Polish / French / German / Portuguese / Japanese / Romanian / Korean / Swedish. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename......: The.Paranormal.Action.Squad.S01E07.A.Master.Class.in.Kicking.Ass.720p.RED.WEB-DL.AAC5.1.VP9-ARGN.mkv FileSize......: 107 MiB Duration......: 12 min 29 s Video.........: | 1280x720 @ 803 kb/s Audio.........: English AAC | 6 CH @ 384 kb/s Subtitle......: Greek / English / Vietnamese / Italian / Chinese / Arabic / Indonesian / Spanish / Russian / Dutch / Portuguese / Turkish / Thai / Spanish / Polish / French / German / Portuguese / Japanese / Romanian / Korean / Swedish. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename......: The.Paranormal.Action.Squad.S01E08.Orbs.Orbit.720p.RED.WEB-DL.AAC5.1.VP9-ARGN.mkv FileSize......: 99.2 MiB Duration......: 12 min 12 s Video.........: | 1280x720 @ 745 kb/s Audio.........: English AAC | 6 CH @ 384 kb/s Subtitle......: Greek / English / Vietnamese / Italian / Chinese / Arabic / Indonesian / Spanish / Russian / Dutch / Portuguese / Turkish / Thai / Spanish / Polish / French / German / Portuguese / Japanese / Romanian / Korean / Swedish. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Posted on December 26, 2019 at 12:40 AM
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