Genre : Documentary
In a small Oregon community, a high school soccer team struggles to overcome class and racial divide in a quest for both individual and team success. While Domingo deals with the deportation of his father to Mexico, and Eric painfully learns how to become a captain and command the respect of his Mexican-American teammates, Coach Riviera struggles to keep the team toge…
Hood.River.2021.1080p.WEB.h264-OPUS – 4.9 GB
General Filename.......: Hood.River.2021.1080p.WEB.h264-OPUS.mkv FileSize.......: 4.88 GiB Duration.......: 1 h 21 min Video Codec..........: AVC x264 High@L4 Resolution.....: 1920x1080 Aspect ratio...: 16:9 Bit rate.......: 8 250 kb/s Frame rate.....: 23.976 fps Audio Language.......: English Channels.......: 6 CH Format.........: Dolby Digital Bit rate.......: 384 kb/s Subtitle.......: English (English (SDH))
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Posted on December 3, 2021 at 05:17 PM
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